Monday, March 3, 2008

The Weekly Fly.

About a month ago I was approached by fellow guide Mike Nelson and his friend about helping them out with a new website they were launching. The website has been up a running for about a month now and it features a new fly tyer or fly pattern each week. I was privileged to help out with some flies for the site. There are some great tiers scheduled to be aired on the site such as Kelly Galloup, Slyvester Nemes, Dave McKee, Dave Bloom, Doug Mcknight and many others. Check it out and bookmark the site for a new pattern each Monday. The address is

My first pattern is a fly that I have modified and dressed up a bit. The original fly comes from Brad Downey, who guides on the Bighorn River and he has come up with many great patterns that kill em on Tailwater and Spring Creek fisheries. The Downey Dun is a great bug and it is simple to tie. The materials for the pattern are cheap and make for a very good floating bug. Give it a try. I will take some photos and post it here so that you can see a couple of different views of this wonderful bug.

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